Monday, November 15, 2010

Here are some random pictures that I thought were funny and cool.  The first is the "maid's" bathroom, I am including this for anyone who wants to come and stay for a long time we will put you in the maid's quarters.  This will keep guests from staying too long!  The ship on top of the buildings is a casino here that Greg and his friend Cyril went one night.  I have included the picture of them at the casino.  I thought the sand castles were so cool I wanted to share them.  There is a place on the beach that people come to build castles.  It is neat because the beach is like a campground so people camp out and then there are activities.  I am going to start showing some of the food because I know Sharon will be interested in the cuisine here.  It is very different but I have had some really good meals.  I have discovered Indian food and love it!

1 comment:

  1. That bathroom scares me.......I'm still not sure how you are suppose to "use" that hole in the ground. I'm glad you have alternatives. :)
